chalan, melissa & evan

I had a great time with the Thibodeauxs at Acadian Village. Got some great shots for Christmas. They were such troopers..... it was 80 degrees and they were all in sweaters. Sheesh!!:)

Thanks guys... love you! ~ heather

Here are a few:


Heather said...

These pictures came out so beautiful!!! What an awesome family!!

heather young said...

Thanks Heather. How was your Christmas??

Heather said...

Our Christmas was great. I was sick, and we ran the roads all day, but it was still a wonderful day:-) How was Christmas for you guys?

heather young said...

It was wonderful ~ a day with family and friends ~ eating and such. We sang Christmas songs and even had our own band with Justin on accordion!!!!:) Since then we've tried to do absolutely nothing and I think we've succeeded:) Are you feeling any better?

Anonymous said...

Sha! they are so cute!! HE is so cute!